La résilience et les forces de caractère

La résilience et les forces de caractère
L’objectif est d’approfondir ses connaissances autour de la résilience, d’axer l’attention sur les forces et les ressources qui permettent de l’activer et de la cultiver
Les apports sont théoriques et expérientiels

Gestion du stress

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras elementum ac turpis sit amet dapibus. Etiam auctor leo laoreet urna lacinia blandit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras elementum ac turpis sit amet dapibus. 

Gestion de la crise et de l’urgence

Cette formation s’adresse aux professionnels et institutions qui souhaitent réfléchir à prévenir les conséquences liées aux événements critiques et aux situations hors-normes
L’objectif est de développer des outils pour se préparer à être prêts :
Avant : lorsque la crise arrive
Pendant : pour continuer à penser en tout temps, également lorsque la crise est là, que les réactions de stress adaptatives sont inévitables, parfois dépassées et qu’il est nécessaire d’intervenir avec des actions réfléchies et pertinentes
Après : pour permettre la clôture et la digestion de la crise et reprendre le fil de la vie avec des conséquences positives aux trois niveaux que sont :
◦ le personnel, l’individuel
◦ le collectif
◦ l’institution

Les supervisions

Types de groupe : intervenants de l’urgence, enseignants, médiateurs, éducateurs, équipes interdisciplinaires de la santé-du social
L’objectif est d’approfondir ses connaissances autour de la résilience, d’axer l’attention sur les forces et les ressources qui permettent de l’activer et de la cultiver

Our next training courses

Cooking workshop with our Chef Alex

Fancy concocting some original dishes with our Chef Alex? Take advantage of this opportunity to combine the senses and create a ‘rainbow’ plate for each dish. Sign up and come and enjoy the experience with our Chef Alex!

More information
Full Awareness of Self and Ayurveda

Food for body and mind. Practicing with the arts of QiGong and Yoga and cooking according to the principles of Ayurvedic medicine.

A seminar that links movement through gentle gymnastics and the six flavours of Ayurvedic cooking. The pleasure of sharing movement and preparing our meals in a small group accompanied by two experienced practitioners. Open to everyone. Sign up, places are limited!

More information
Crisis and emergency management

This training is intended for professionals and institutions who wish to think about preventing the consequences of critical events and non-standard situations

  • The objective is to develop tools to be prepared:
    • Before: when the crisis arrives
    • During: to keep in mind at all times, even when the crisis is there, that adaptive stress reactions are inevitable, sometimes outdated and that it is necessary to intervene with thoughtful and relevant actions
    • After: to allow the crisis to be closed and digested and to resume the thread of life with positive consequences at the three levels that are:
      • the personal, the individual
      • the collective
      • the institution
Resilience and Character Strengths

  • This continuing education course is intended for health professionals who are regularly confronted with serious and emotionally challenging events.
  • The objective is to deepen one's knowledge of resilience and to focus on the strengths and resources that allow one to activate and cultivate it
  • The contributions are both theoretical and experiential
Awareness of "stress management"

The training is intended for any person/professional who wishes to reinforce his or her knowledge about stress and its consequences and to deepen his or her skills to manage his or her own experience and to help others to manage theirs.

The goal is to :

  • Discover the different stresses
  • Know the natural adaptive reactions and be able to recognize them in oneself and in others
  • Identify the triggers and their manifestations, especially the warning signs
  • Learn how to tap into personal and collective resources (to contribute to a voluntary response in order to contain the emergence of reactions and thus be able to reduce the impact of the stress felt)
  • To welcome difficult experiences when stress is intense, or even exceeded, and to know the tools and resources to take care of the consecutive reactions for oneself and for others

Continuing education courses on request and made to measure

To you, professionals in the social, psychological, educational and medical fields, who want to develop your tools and grow, both personally and collectively, in order to get through the challenges without being caught up in compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma, and to achieve the rhythm of well-being that anchors us in the present and in the vital momentum.

La résilience et les forces de caractère

La résilience et les forces de caractère
L’objectif est d’approfondir ses connaissances autour de la résilience, d’axer l’attention sur les forces et les ressources qui permettent de l’activer et de la cultiver
Les apports sont théoriques et expérientiels

Gestion du stress

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras elementum ac turpis sit amet dapibus. Etiam auctor leo laoreet urna lacinia blandit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras elementum ac turpis sit amet dapibus. 

Gestion de la crise et de l’urgence

Cette formation s’adresse aux professionnels et institutions qui souhaitent réfléchir à prévenir les conséquences liées aux événements critiques et aux situations hors-normes
L’objectif est de développer des outils pour se préparer à être prêts :
Avant : lorsque la crise arrive
Pendant : pour continuer à penser en tout temps, également lorsque la crise est là, que les réactions de stress adaptatives sont inévitables, parfois dépassées et qu’il est nécessaire d’intervenir avec des actions réfléchies et pertinentes
Après : pour permettre la clôture et la digestion de la crise et reprendre le fil de la vie avec des conséquences positives aux trois niveaux que sont :
◦ le personnel, l’individuel
◦ le collectif
◦ l’institution

Les supervisions

Types de groupe : intervenants de l’urgence, enseignants, médiateurs, éducateurs, équipes interdisciplinaires de la santé-du social
L’objectif est d’approfondir ses connaissances autour de la résilience, d’axer l’attention sur les forces et les ressources qui permettent de l’activer et de la cultiver


Discover some examples of training we can provide.
Crisis and emergency management

This training is intended for professionals and institutions who wish to think about preventing the consequences of critical events and non-standard situations

  • The objective is to develop tools to be prepared:
    • Before: when the crisis arrives
    • During: to keep in mind at all times, even when the crisis is there, that adaptive stress reactions are inevitable, sometimes outdated and that it is necessary to intervene with thoughtful and relevant actions
    • After: to allow the crisis to be closed and digested and to resume the thread of life with positive consequences at the three levels that are:
      • the personal, the individual
      • the collective
      • the institution
Resilience and Character Strengths
  • This continuing education course is intended for health professionals who are regularly confronted with serious and emotionally challenging events.
  • The objective is to deepen one's knowledge of resilience and to focus on the strengths and resources that allow one to activate and cultivate it
  • The contributions are both theoretical and experiential
Awareness of "stress management"

The training is intended for any person/professional who wishes to reinforce his or her knowledge about stress and its consequences and to deepen his or her skills to manage his or her own experience and to help others to manage theirs.

The goal is to :

  • Discover the different stresses
  • Know the natural adaptive reactions and be able to recognize them in oneself and in others
  • Identify the triggers and their manifestations, especially the warning signs
  • Learn how to tap into personal and collective resources (to contribute to a voluntary response in order to contain the emergence of reactions and thus be able to reduce the impact of the stress felt)
  • To welcome difficult experiences when stress is intense, or even exceeded, and to know the tools and resources to take care of the consecutive reactions for oneself and for others
Crisis and emergency management

This training is intended for professionals and institutions who wish to think about preventing the consequences of critical events and non-standard situations

  • The objective is to develop tools to be prepared:
    • Before: when the crisis arrives
    • During: to keep in mind at all times, even when the crisis is there, that adaptive stress reactions are inevitable, sometimes outdated and that it is necessary to intervene with thoughtful and relevant actions
    • After: to allow the crisis to be closed and digested and to resume the thread of life with positive consequences at the three levels that are:
      • the personal, the individual
      • the collective
      • the institution
Resilience and Character Strengths

  • This continuing education course is intended for health professionals who are regularly confronted with serious and emotionally challenging events.
  • The objective is to deepen one's knowledge of resilience and to focus on the strengths and resources that allow one to activate and cultivate it
  • The contributions are both theoretical and experiential
Awareness of "stress management"

The training is intended for any person/professional who wishes to reinforce his or her knowledge about stress and its consequences and to deepen his or her skills to manage his or her own experience and to help others to manage theirs.

The goal is to :

  • Discover the different stresses
  • Know the natural adaptive reactions and be able to recognize them in oneself and in others
  • Identify the triggers and their manifestations, especially the warning signs
  • Learn how to tap into personal and collective resources (to contribute to a voluntary response in order to contain the emergence of reactions and thus be able to reduce the impact of the stress felt)
  • To welcome difficult experiences when stress is intense, or even exceeded, and to know the tools and resources to take care of the consecutive reactions for oneself and for others

La résilience et les forces de caractère

La résilience et les forces de caractère
L’objectif est d’approfondir ses connaissances autour de la résilience, d’axer l’attention sur les forces et les ressources qui permettent de l’activer et de la cultiver
Les apports sont théoriques et expérientiels

Gestion du stress

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras elementum ac turpis sit amet dapibus. Etiam auctor leo laoreet urna lacinia blandit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras elementum ac turpis sit amet dapibus. 

Gestion de la crise et de l’urgence

Cette formation s’adresse aux professionnels et institutions qui souhaitent réfléchir à prévenir les conséquences liées aux événements critiques et aux situations hors-normes
L’objectif est de développer des outils pour se préparer à être prêts :
Avant : lorsque la crise arrive
Pendant : pour continuer à penser en tout temps, également lorsque la crise est là, que les réactions de stress adaptatives sont inévitables, parfois dépassées et qu’il est nécessaire d’intervenir avec des actions réfléchies et pertinentes
Après : pour permettre la clôture et la digestion de la crise et reprendre le fil de la vie avec des conséquences positives aux trois niveaux que sont :
◦ le personnel, l’individuel
◦ le collectif
◦ l’institution

Les supervisions

Types de groupe : intervenants de l’urgence, enseignants, médiateurs, éducateurs, équipes interdisciplinaires de la santé-du social
L’objectif est d’approfondir ses connaissances autour de la résilience, d’axer l’attention sur les forces et les ressources qui permettent de l’activer et de la cultiver


Individual or group supervision are intended for all professionals working with people (e.g. psychologists, emergency workers, teachers, mediators, educators, interdisciplinary health and social teams). In agreement with you, they take place at your workplace or at one of our offices.
The trainings are built with your collaboration according to your requests. We orient their content on health, and the regulatory processes which reinforce and support them.
Contact us
The courses are given by the day in French-speaking Switzerland and in Magnano in Italy, over several days in residential.

Les formations ouvertes à tous

Full Awareness of Self and Ayurveda

Food for body and mind. Practicing with the arts of QiGong and Yoga and cooking according to the principles of Ayurvedic medicine.

A seminar that links movement through gentle gymnastics and the six flavours of Ayurvedic cooking. The pleasure of sharing movement and preparing our meals in a small group accompanied by two experienced practitioners. Open to everyone. Sign up, places are limited!

Cooking workshop with our Chef Alex

Fancy concocting some original dishes with our Chef Alex? Take advantage of this opportunity to combine the senses and create a ‘rainbow’ plate for each dish. Sign up and come and enjoy the experience with our Chef Alex!

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