Psychological First Aid

people sitting on chair in front of table while holding pens during daytime

Partnerships with companies

For any company wishing to take care of its employees' health, we offer personalized partnership contracts allowing us to provide emergency psychological support, either in person, by telephone or videoconference. Our interventions ideally take place within a week of the triggering event in order to prevent and mitigate the risks following confrontation with a potentially traumatic incident. For a comprehensive prevention plan, these partnerships can include training.
woman wearing gray jacket

psychological first aid

We make our network of specialists, trained in psychological first aid, available to offer punctual support (3-5 interviews maximum) as soon as possible following an unusual and particularly trying event. This offer is primarily aimed at people who have been confronted with death in an unexpected and sudden manner. It aims to activate resources to cope with the psychological consequences in the days and weeks that follow.


Some of these services may be reimbursed by the LAVI, accident insurance, or other authorities. The steps to obtain reimbursement are the responsibility of the client. Our staff will be happy to provide you with information on rates.
For any request, please contact us by mail.
*Depending on availability.

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